F.O.B.S (Friends of Broad Chalke School)
Our amazing PTA, FOBS, is a committee made up of parents and teachers, who meet regularly to organise activities around the school. A team of people who have a genuine passion for creating memorable events which raise funds for the school. Please click on the attachment at the bottom of the age to find out who we are.
There are so many ways that FOBS raises money and as each event approaches, it will be mentioned in the school newsletter. Please come along to the events and help out if you can by volunteering.
Here are some of our many regular events:
Bag 2 School- Have a clear out at home and donate your unwanted clothing to the school in the special bags provided
Friday Feeling- every week each class have the opportunity to provide snacks for the rest of the school. Half of the money raised goes straight back into the class and the other half into FOBS funds
- Spring Fair- our amazing community event. In 2023 we raised over £1000
- Snack and drink stalls- FOBs support our school key events e.g. Sport's Day, Nativity, Leaver's Service
- Discos- a chance for both key stages to enjoy dancing fun!
The money raised from the FOBS events support the children across the school in so many ways. Recent spending includes:
- Subsidising school trips to ensure all children can attend
- Buying a set of glockenspiels to support our Music teaching
- Developing the EYFS and Year 1 out door area e.g. buying a sand pit, mud pit, wooden books and play equipment
Spring Fair