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Our Community & Partnerships

As a village school, we value our local community  and seek to strengthen our relationship through partnerships and projects. We believe that being part of and engaging in community gives our pupils, staff and parents a sense of belonging and security. 

Our Broad Chalke community is not restricted to the geographical place. Embracing a sense of community has allowed us to broaden our engagement and involvement with local, national and international partnerships. 

There are so many benefits of engaging in community which include: connection, learning, passion and support. 

Our current partnerships and community links-
Sarah, from The Bridge
  • FOBS (Friends of Broad Chalke School)- see separate link
  • The Bridge Youth Project. The team from The Bridge support our RE lessons, lead Collective Worships              and offer mentoring to individual and groups of children
  • The Church
  • Broad Chalke Community 
  • Local PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers)
  • Child of Hope (Uganda school link and partnership)
The winners of a local competition to save the Salmon in the River Ebble
 Some of our pupils sharing their ideas and designs for a new playground to the committee
Simon & Charlotte our PCSO officers 









Our Community Remembrance Service held at the war memorial in Broad Chalke
We also support Local, National and International charities-
  • Trussell Trust (Harvest Festival collection- Salisbury food donation)


  •   Christmas Box Appeal (House of Opportunity- Eastern Europe)

Stars Appeal (Salisbury Hospital)

Children in Need

Red Nose day


 As a school we build strong links with our local secondary schools through sport and additional learning opportunities.