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Our Governors

At Broad Chalke Primary School we have a dedicated team of governors that work to support the school.  As part of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust, they form the Academy Standards and Ethos Committee (ASEC).  Their role is to ensure that the school provides the best possible education for all pupils by establishing the school’s vision and strategy, challenging and supporting the headteacher and ensuring accountability to help make Broad Chalke School the very best it can be.

Full details of governance in the Trust can be found by clicking here.

There are 6 ASEC meetings each year.  During these meetings, Governors look at a wide range of information to find out how well the school is performing. To support the work that goes on, governors also try to visit school as often as possible. They particularly enjoy talking to the children about their school and what they think about it - the children are always keen to share their ideas!

We are proud to have a committed Governing Body that is made up of a team individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

"We are fortunate to have a committed Governing Body with a diverse range of backgrounds and skills. The Governors believe in rolling their sleeves up to work with staff, parents and children to ensure continued academic and personal growth for all in the school. Ideas and initiatives from everybody involved in the school community are always warmly welcomed."  Mr Michael Gibb

Name Category of Governor Appointed by Term of Office Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests
Heather Luft Headteacher Ex Officio 24.04.22

No relevant interests

Sarah Brough Parent Governor Parent elected 11.10.22 - 10.10.26

Employed by a company whose resources are used by the school, but no financial implications.

David Claydon Foundation Foundation/Trust 25.09.24 - 24.09.28

No relevant interests

Ed Gairdner

Parent Governor Parent elected 11.11.21 - 10.11.25 No relevant interests
Michael Gibb Foundation Foundation/Trust 06.05.22 - 05.05.26

Family member employed by school

Louise Hall Foundation Foundation/Trust 06.10.21 - 05.10.25

No relevant interests

Keith Hitchings Foundation Foundation/Trust 01.10.22 - 30.09.26

Family member employed by school

Peter Hornsby Foundation Foundation/Trust 31.08.22 - 30.08.26

No relevant interests

Richard Jowett Trust Appointed Trust Appointed 01.09.24 - 31.08.28 

No relevant interests

Rosalind Kimber Trust Appointed Trust Appointed 01.09.24 - 31.08.28

No relevant interests

Dr Tim King Foundation Foundation/Trust 01.09.24 - 31.08.28

No relevant interests

Emily Patterson Staff Governor Staff 01.12.23 - 30.11.27

No relevant interests


Heather Luft (Headteacher - Ex Officio)

Sarah Brough (Parent Governor)

Named Governor for: EYFS

I live in the Chalke Valley and I have 3 children, all of whom have attended Broad Chalke from Reception and have thoroughly benefitted from being part of a thriving, supportive learning environment, with just one now still young enough to still be there. I have worked in education as a teacher and also as an adviser for PSHE, and I also have experience of running my own business outside education.

Now that my youngest child is a little bit older, I am able to give some time and support back to the school that has been such an important and positive part of our lives for the past 11 years.

David Claydon (Foundation Governor)

I live locally with my wife and two boys. My youngest son attends Broad Chalke School and my eldest son attends a specialist school in the New Forest. I am an Army Infantry Officer currently working on complex procurement and recruitment.  I have a passion for sport and the outdoors, in particular road cycling, and I am a strong advocate for the symbiotic relationship between a healthy body and mind. My experience of working through the challenges of securing the right education for my eldest son with SEN is one of the reasons I felt inspired to become a Governor of Broad Chalke.

Ed Gairdner (Parent Governor)

Named Governor for: e-safety

I live in Broad Chalke with my wife and 4 children; a daughter currently in the school with an older sibling who recently left to move onto Secondary School.  Having been lucky to have children flourish and thrive at Broad Chalke School I wanted to put something back in and I am delighted to be part of a Governing body ensuring the school maintains its excellence.  Formerly an Army Officer for 11 years, I have subsequently been running Operations in a number of entrepreneurial SMEs.  Outside of work I am an assistant coach at South Wilts CC for the female junior section and also for the U15 Boys Rugby at Salisbury RFC.

Michael Gibb (Foundation Governor)

Named Governor for: Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged 

I live in Bowerchalke and run my own business as a developer/builder of family homes in the Salisbury area. I have two daughters, both of which started in Reception Class and went all the way through the school; the youngest finishing Year 6 in 2014. I enjoy being in school as well as attending finance and curriculum meetings and  full governing body meetings.   To get away from it all (!) I spend as much time as I can running and cycling around the Chalke Valley.  

Louise Hall (Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors)

Named Governor for:  Ethos committee

I live in Berwick St John, with my partner Richard, and my two girls Charlotte and Jemima, both of whom attended and thrived at Broad Chalke School.

I was secretary of FOBS for five years, and Chair of the Fundraising Committee for the new build project. I continue to be passionate about the school, and the role it plays in the local community. To have been Chair of FOBS again more recently, was challenging and rewarding. I feel privileged to remain as a Governor, at this very special school, and be part of such a dedicated and committed team.

Keith Hitchings (Foundation Governor)

I joined the Governing Body in 1998 when my eldest of three children started at Broad Chalke.  I am a foundation Governor.  In the past I was involved with the New Build Project and FOBS.

Peter Hornsby (Foundation Governor and Vice Chair of Governors)

Named Governor for: Safeguarding

I am married to Bridget and have 4 children who have all attended Broad Chalke School in the past, some in the old building and one of them in the new building. I was heavily involved in the new build project from its conception to realisation. I am on the electoral roll of Bowerchalke Church but attend a number of the churches in the benefice and have been a governor of the school since 2000.

Richard Jowett (Trust Appointed Governor)

I run a family farming business in Broad Chalke with my wife, rearing sheep, growing crops and managing environmental schemes.  We have two grown-up children, our daughter teaches in a secondary school.

I am keen to support the school and help to ensure the best outcomes for the children and good conditions for the staff.

In my spare time I love exploring the Cranborne Chase on foot, both running and walking.

Rosalind Kimber (Trust Appointed Governor)

I live in Broad Chalke and have a keen interest in education following over twenty years' experience of working in primary schools as a Teacher, Assistant/Deputy Head and University Teacher Training Mentor. I currently work part-time at South Wilts Grammar School and you may also come across me volunteering in the Hub or in the village hall on film nights.  I first became involved with Broad Chalke School through coming in to listen to readers before being appointed as a governor. 

Dr Tim King (Foundation Governor)

Named Governor for: Health & Safety.

I was honoured to be invited to join the Governing Body as a Foundation Governor in February 2016.  Both my children attended Broad Chalke School.  Along with my wife, we all live in Bishopstone and have been in the Chalke Valley for a total of 8 years.  I work as a GP in Mere and continue some surgical work in Salisbury.  I enjoy most sports although participation levels are difficult to maintain!  


Governing Body Attendance – 2024/2025




First Name




Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Mrs Heather  Luft    
Mrs  Sarah Brough    
Mr David Claydon A A    
Mr  Ed Gairdner    
Mr Michael Gibb    
Mrs Louise Hall    
Mr Keith Hitchings A    
Mr Peter Hornsby    
Mr Richard Jowett    
Mrs Rosalind Kimber A    
Dr Tim King    
Miss Emily Patterson A    

Key: √ = Present, A = Apologies Received, P = Part Attendance, Ab = Absent, N/A = Not appointed.


Governing Body Attendance – 2023/2024




First Name




Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Mrs Heather  Luft
Mrs  Sarah Brough A
Mrs Andi Chalk N/A N/A N/A N/A
Mr  Ed Gairdner A A Ab Ab
Mr Michael Gibb
Mrs Louise Hall
Mr Keith Hitchings A
Mr Peter Hornsby
Mrs Rosie Jones P N/A N/A
Dr Tim King
Miss Emily Patterson A

Key: √ = Present, A = Apologies Received, P = Part Attendance, Ab = Absent, N/A = Not appointed.

Historic (left within last 12 months)
Name Category of Governor     Appointed by Date appointed Date finished
Rosie Jones Foundation SDBE 1 November 2022  31 May 2024