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Through teaching music we aim to: spark children's interest and ignite a passion and love of music. Pupils will be guided to develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose within, and listen with discrimination to, a wide range of musical styles.

In learning music pupils will: develop their skills of concentration, listening and appraising each others' work in a positive manner. Singing regularly and making music together will have a positive impact on their well-being and they will enjoy expressing their creativity through the medium of music. 


At Broad Chalke we use the scheme Charanga to support our planning and teaching of music. 

Each Unit of Work comprises of strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:

  1. Listening and Appraising
  2. Musical Activities
    1. Warm-up Games
    2. Optional Flexible Games
    3. Singing
    4. Playing instruments
    5. Improvisation
    6. Composition
  3. Performing

Children in Key Stage Two have the opportunity to learn to play the recorder and use glockenspiels as part of their lessons. they also have acces to a wide rang of percussion instruments. 

We also welcome two perapatetic music teachers into school once a week to teach individual children how to play an instrument. Mr Turner and Mr Fortnam offer guitar, piano, singing and brass lessons. Mr Turner also leads a choir enrichment club on a weekly basis. 

Performances and Musical events at Broad Chalke 


Performances and Musical events at Broad Chalke 


Visit from local folk musicians