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Our Home Learning

We believe that home learning is an important part of a child's development. Our home learning offer is designed to have a positive impact upon children's learning as well as their personal well-being.


Across the school, all children are expected to read at least four times every week. Pupils' reading is recorded in their reading record by parents/carers and records are checked weekly by school staff. Where children have read at least four times, pupils are rewarded with house points. 

Maths Skills

Children from Year 2-6 should also be practising their number bonds, times tables or other mental maths at least four times a week at home. Children are encouraged to use a range of methods to practise these important Maths skills: pupils in Key Stage Two have logins for Times Table Rock Stars and all pupils are encouraged to use One Minute Maths by White Rose.  


At Broad Chalke, we will not send weekly spelling lists home for children to learn. The research says that this approach to learning spelling is ineffective and, instead, we spend three lessons a week teaching spelling rules in school. In order that parents/carers can support pupils with spellings at home, teachers share a weekly spelling rule on Seesaw that children can practise at home. 

Wider Curriculum Learning

Once a short term, children will bring home a creative learning book which has suggested learning options which support the term's whole school learning theme (including Collective Worship value) and encourage collaborative projects. We encourage pupils to embrace this as a project to complete over the six weeks of each term; we expect work to be well-presented and of a high-quality.

Examples of pupil work (please see below for planning)




Year 5 and 6 Homework Books

In order to prepare our upper school children for the transition to secondary school, we also provide weekly Maths and English homework. This builds up gradually: children complete one page a week in Year 5 and two pages a week in Year 6. This home learning links to what we've been learning in the classroom and is marked and discussed together as a class each week.


Teachers share weekly uploads about pupils' in-class learning using our online platform, Seesaw. If you do not already have access, please see your child's class teacher who will be happy to help.

You can log onto your child's Seesaw account using this link-